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tailor-made frequency gifts

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about us

Living in the French Pyrénées-Orientales for the last five years my family and I have found a great amount of joy in the creation of original products which have the ability to help people.  Einstein once said that the future of medicine will be frequency and that time is now. Using intention-infused twisted copper, crystals, resin & pyramid shapes we can produce a range of frequencies which are beneficial to plants, animals and humans.  Our frequency devices come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the sewing machine products of Sabrina to the mini orgonite pyramids of Esteban & Luna and the ever more complex charging plates of Sam.


Please get in touch and prepare yourself for a video call which is the only way to get your hands on one of our products.

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a revolution in thinking

business based on gifting

Money has brought many problems to this world so it is important in these changing times to forge new systems of exchange which go beyond the corrupt banking system. 

Through the power of gift we can exchange on a more personal level 

which requires getting to know each other as humans and each device will be even more effective having been made with a clear intention which has nothing to do with personal gain.  

We do what we do because we love it!

Understanding every situation is unique we do not attach prices to our products. If you feel like exchanging with us, we will talk in a video call and you will tell us your specific requirements.  We will make your product and you can complete the exchange anyway you like. Two popular methods being with crypto or by purchasing gift cards from our favourite crystal store here in France.

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